Dining Room Progress & A GOOOOOD DEAL!

I feel like we have been working on our Patio Project F O R E V E R and as excited as I am for that space to really be taking shape, I'm literally itching for some progress INSIDE. Thankfully last weekend we happened upon a great deal and made some unexpected progress in our dining room!

Soooo let's recap for a minute, since introducing you all to the new house we have made some decisions/changes to how we will use the spaces. The room that was dubbed the dining room when we purchased the house is actually going to be our home office and the room that was the formal living room is now the dining room. A formal living room is just not practical for our needs, but another eating area is something we can always use, especially when we entertain.  This room sits at the front of the house, gets great natural light and because it opens up to the foyer, feels really long and open.

A few months ago we had a dining room table made by a guy Brent found on Craigslist. We happened upon this craftsman by inquiring about the size of another table he had listed. When that table wasn't the size we were looking for he let us know he could make us a table whatever size we wanted. So, we got our thoughts together and sent over our vision. He literally made the table in his garage to our exact specifications and we are SO happy with it. I think we paid $600 and it took him about a week to complete. Thankfully Brent's brother Phillip was in town when the table was ready for pick-up, because it took all three brothers to carry that beast in the house.

For months this side of the room has been empty with the exception of the table, that is until last weekend when we fell into some seriously good luck.  On Sunday we popped over to Scott's Antique around 2:00. For those unfamiliar, Scott's Antique Show comes to town (Atlanta) the second weekend of every month. Vendors from across the country wheel in to town with all kinds of furniture, decorative pieces, rugs, art, etc...Anyways, because it was the last day of the show and late in the day at that, a lot of the vendors were packing up. We perused around and while we weren't looking for anything in particular, we always have a list of certain items we are in need of in our head, and this time that list consisted of:
  • Coffee table
  • Sofa table 
  • Dining Room Chairs
Randomly we came upon a booth that had a pair of really cool wing back chairs. We had long talked about the concept of having two nice, big chairs at the ends of the table, captain chairs if you will, with other chairs or a bench along each side. As we walked over to take a closer look we noticed the price tag said  $1200 dollars each...YIKES! We really loved the chairs...they are equal parts funky and classic and the blue color is literally our weakness. Brent and I are bad, we both love blue and if we don't watch ourselves we would have blue on every singe interior item we purchase! However, as much as we liked these chairs there was no way we were going to pay that price, but before we could walk away, one of the sales guys walked up and randomly told us he would sell us the chairs at $699 each. A better price, but still more than we were looking to spend on this particular trip.  We verbalized this and his response was "OK, how about $299 each? I really don't want to load them back on the truck." Umm.....We did love them and at that price, what could we do!? So, we pulled the trigger and took the chairs home.

And here they sit.

And happy we are. 

Oh, and the best part? This same chair retails for $1,650 (on sale for $1,237) at Restoration Hardware. GO US!!!!!!!!!!

Unless otherwise noted all images are my own.