The Designery

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30 Under 30

Breaking News...Big News...Huge News.

Last month I was notified that I had been selected by the National Kitchen & Bath Association ( NKBA) as one of the Top 30 Under 30 in the NATION!! AHH!! I was so shocked. So happy. So honored!

My good friend and co-worker Holly Floyd nominated me earlier this year and I was SO excited flabbergasted to get the call that I had been selected. In April I will be flown out to New Orleans to attend  the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show ( KBIS) where I will be participating in multiple events focused on the 30 Under 30 program and KBIS 2013. We will be live blogging, surveying, trend spotting, and might even do some live videos. I'm so excited and honored to have this opportunity and can't wait to meet the other 29 honorees!

KBIS is April 19th - 21st,  yeah, two weeks before my wedding (I'm crazy, I know). So stay tuned - I will be coming at ya from New Orleans with all kinds of design trends, new products and other fun industry happenings. I can't wait! happy as you might be for me, I can sense you glaring. I know I left ya hanging last week, promising a post showcasing a certain completed #StoneMountain Kitchen, BUT I'm asking for a reprieve. I know what you're thinking, but this is not a stall per say....the truth is we are still putting the finishing touches on the kitchen - hanging pictures, etc... and I wanted to share my big news with you while it was still fresh. So, here comes the dangling carrot again....


All photos are from google search.